Sunday, January 08, 2006
Still writing my mammoth post...
... but I would love the amateur dream interpreters out there to translate the dream I had last night:
One of my workies, Joe, broke up with his girlfriend (who is long term and who is great) to be with me. We had a fantastic time, holding hands and snogging and hugging and laughing and being generally heart-burstingly lovey dovey
(note: I'm not interested in Joe. He's good looking and a great guy and we get along but I'm not interested in him at all)
Then myself and four of my workies were kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists (noooo idea) and taken to a secluded place while ransoms were sought and such. During this, the four girls and I were sitting at my old science desks listening to a lecture by one of the terrorists. I was sitting at the back of the room with my friend Alex (who is a workie) and the other three were sitting in front of us. Alex got up to go to the bathroom and when she came back, she squeezed in with the other girls, leaving me by myself, dribbling (like basketball dribbling, not saliva-y drooling) a FitBall
Then I looked out the window and saw that Will, a guy at work I'm seeing (the mammoth post is coming...) had turned up in the secluded place with a couple of policemen to help negotiate our release. When I managed to sneak out of the room and talk to Will for a second and I asked him how hard it had been to be able to come to see us, he said he'd had to pay $4000 to be able to. Then he looked at me coldly and walked back to the police
And then I woke up. And I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!! Someone, please find SOME meaning in that dream for me!!!
posted by Bug @ 10:07 pm  
2 Rantings:
  • At 10:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    and i thought my dream was weird!! which guy is he..?

  • At 8:58 am, Blogger chindi said…

    I think subconsciously you are interested in Joe or know that he is interested in you. The kidnapping dribbling thing is just a little odd. I also think maybe your brain is trying to tell you something about Will.

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