* did you have Mr Whippie vans growing up? Some suspect guy with fluffy hair driving around in a rundown van playing plinky plonky music and prowling through child-infested streets selling dodgy ice creams for roughly the same price as a new tv? I was processing a benefit payment (oh don't ask) today for a... Mr Whippy. I laughed my ARSE off! No-one else seemed to think it was that funny though *sigh* *
* I really and truly adore my workie people. We all got SOZZLED on Friday (having knocked off work at 1 for our Christmas lunch/dinner, we started drinking at 1.30pm and when I left the last club at 3.00am, most people were STILL drinking) and gossiped and danced and generally had a BALL. I LITERALLY danced so much I destroyed my shoes! The heels are peeling like a banana, it's very cool. You know how you go out with your friends all the time and most of the time it's fine, if not all that exciting, but sometimes it's just great? It's ALWAYS great with the workies - they're excellent * * one of the cute boys at work and I were playing drink tag. He'd surprise me with a drink and I'd do the same for him. He IS quite a bit higher up than me so I probably shouldn't flirt but he's also cute and the workie girls say he's fantastic and that he NEVER buys anyone drinks so that's kind of cool :) * * I had a run in with a guy I work with, too. He's married, with kids, and while lovely and quite good looking, he's MARRIED. With KIDS. Which means that he shouldn't have pulled me behind a building and put his hands down my pants and kissed my neck and taken my phone OUT OF MY HAND so he could put it IN HIS POCKET. I really like this guy, he's good fun to work with and I think, basically, a nice guy, but when I got home I spent about half an hour on the phone crying to my mum because I'd felt so out of control. However, he was alright and quite sheepish today so hopefully he woke up ashamed on himself on Saturday * * my cat has been prescribed Prozac. Is that not MOST EXCELLENT?? *
"look! I am cute and small but also neurotic and on psychotropic drugs because I am scared of a sensor light! Can I have a cuddle? Look, Cec is gazing at me adoringly - SHE'D cuddle me, why won't you??" * * I bought, read and actually enjoyed... Nicole Richie's 'novel'. I actually kind of like Nicole Richie. She's had some skanks-from-hell friends in the past but she's done all right for herself, I think (besides the whole getting dumped by her fiancé thing - fiancée?). And the book? Wasn't bad. And I say 'novel' cos some of those characters are SO Hollywood starlets by another name * * my hair has been restyled and is now really curly and dyed dark purple with about 8 pinky-red streaks coming through (thank you, Monkey, I was inspired!). I LOVE it. And I'm going back to get different coloured streaks in a few weeks * * have you ever seen an edgy, punk-looking boy rap dance to "We Built This City"? If not, you've never REALLY laughed * * less than two weeks to go and I've not bought a SINGLE Chrissie present yet. SLACK AS * And now, much as I love you all (if anyone's reading - hellooooo!), I have a litre of champagne (no seriously!) in the fridge and a silly book to read. See you round like a rissole! * p.s. I saw Hilary Duff on a breakfast tv show this morning. I love Hilary Duff. She's so NICE. And prettier than I will EVER be and going out with a hot punky boy so I should hate her but she's just so NICE * p.p.s. what should I buy my daddy for Christmas? HELP!
1st, dads will take anything you give them and treasure it. Take it from a dad. Also take it from an ex-married person that someone who is married, even when drunk, should not be trying to get in your pants regardless of the situation. Oh and if you can't tell I am reading and checking everyday even though you and cec have hardly put up anything then all of a sudden, BAM. We also need a picture of the new hair.