Thursday, November 24, 2005
Winning a Logie
So here I am at uni, playing at being a Serious Research Student. My computer in my office is finally hooked up to the school network, so I am able to access my files and, more importantly, the internet, from my very own desk. So, I‘m sitting in my office, in the presence of my two Very Serious Research Student officemates, typing away diligently for the very first time at my desk since I commenced this degree three and a half months ago. I think I’m giving a very credible performance of putting in some Serious Effort at my Serious Degree. My keyboard is going clicking clack, pause, click, click, backspace, backspace, clickity-clack clack. And for fifteen entire minutes it was clicking away at Actual Work, before deciding that it was impossible to sustain such consistent clicking and clacking at Actual Work, and if I want to continue the farce that I’m a Serious Research Student, I’d better switch to something I can clack about for a while, that being me! The fact that both my Dedicated, Hardworking, Highly Intelligent and Motivated officemates sprung me working as a waitress (oops, I keep forgetting, I’m a food and beverage attendant) when they attended a conference at my place of work this week, rather than being at uni, working diligently and tirelessly in the pursuit of environmental enlightenment, has prompted my need to appear as Serious and Dedicated as they themselves are. And if I can make them believe that, then I deserve the Golden Logie. Hell, I deserve an Oscar. Weeellll, to be honest, they already have known from the first day I set put in this office that I did not belong in their hallowed room of Effort and Learning, and have treated me accordingly. My spasmodic presence at uni has fuelled their first impression, so even if I can pull off the Serious Research Student act for this one afternoon, I don’t think It’ll put much of a dent in their impression of me as an imposter, masquerading as a PhD student. And as I’m planning on leaving at 3.15 today (my quest for a smaller bum is much more important than my uni degree necessitating gym attendance this afternoon), not staying till the minimum expected time of 5 pm, I don’t think I’ll be winning any acting awards in my depiction of a Serious Research Student.
posted by Cecilia @ 2:46 pm  
1 Rantings:
  • At 6:26 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    You should tell the Seriously Boring Obsessive Studiers to bite your (totally small and perky) bum. And then join the uni gym - cute boys there, including a certain sexy bartender from Irish...

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