Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Perfectly Reasonable Young Women
On Sunday Bug and I went shopping. We went up to Boo's place of work to collect her when she finished at 3pm, so she too could join in the shopping activities. Boo discovered some items of interest on the backseat of my car. These were two fluffy halos, one in vivid pink and one in vivid purple (mounted on headbands for easy wearing), and a set of devils horns. Boo promptly put on one of the halos, and handed the other one to Bug to put on. I donned my oh-to-familiar pair of horns (I'd had to wear them all night earlier that week while working at a dinner where the theme was 'angels and devils'), and so we drove through our beautiful city of Hobart and over the bridge to a shopping centre on the eastern shore all so attired.
What was odd was not the fact that we were wearing bright halos and horns while driving about, it was the fact that none of us really thought it was particularly odd. There was none of the accompanying laughing and joking that you would expect to accompany the donning of such headdresses. We just all put them on and carried on talking about perfectly normal stuff, like an elaborate plot to get Bug closer to her (most current!) bartender crush. We just continued to behave like what we are, Perfectly Reasonable Young Women, who were just wearing either a very bright pink halo, a bright purple one, or some horns.
posted by Cecilia @ 1:38 pm  
7 Rantings:
  • At 10:32 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    You know why? Cos we're AWESOME

    And also, probably because we do stupid, random things ALL the time and it just doesn't feel weird anymore. Although we DID belt out 'Kokomo', you must admit

    I have to say, I liked the purple halo, it was cool. But I kind of craved the devil horns. Much more me :)

  • At 11:18 pm, Blogger Anon said…

    I hope you were still wearing these while shopping. If not, do it next time!

  • At 2:23 am, Blogger chindi said…

    Since it's so close to Halloween, it wouldn't have seemed odd to me either. Now if it was at Christmas time, that would be another story....

  • At 12:30 pm, Blogger Cecilia said…

    We don't really celebrate Halloween in Australia. Oh, there might be the occasional dress-up party, but there's no trick-or-treating.

  • At 2:05 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    I used to work with a girl who, at Christmas time, would dress up as an elf. For work. At a high end homewares store

    Each to their own, I suppose!

  • At 10:57 pm, Blogger Léonie said…

    That doesn't sound unusual to me at all. I think if I'd passed you on the street I'd just kind of vaguely wonder what one of you had done to be the naughty devil one.

  • At 10:57 pm, Blogger Léonie said…

    That doesn't sound unusual to me at all. I think if I'd passed you on the street I'd just kind of vaguely wonder what one of you had done to be the naughty devil one.

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