Sunday, January 08, 2006
Life's never just UNCOMPLICATED, is it??
God, I don't know where to begin! There's been so MUCH been going on, a great deal of which I can't really talk about... although I WANT to... but I can't. Not tonight, anyway
I don't know. I'm feeling philosophical tonight and I don't want to subject anyone to that side of me cos you'll happily chew your fingertips off rather than finish the post and how, I ask you HOW, would you be able to type your own posts without fingertips, huh?
So. I'm going to go and find something crappy and fun to watch, like Grease. Or The Sound of Music, maybe. I'll have some champagne. And then I'll sit down tomorrow when I have a spare hour or two to write a FULL update
And I'll leave you with the TOTALLY important realisation I just had (having come from watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire for the second time) that it's quite possible that I'm in love with Viktor Krum. Although Robert Pattinson is un-ugly as well. And Draco Malfoy is a definite lay-by
*sigh* I like boys
posted by Bug @ 12:26 am  
1 Rantings:
  • At 4:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    that sounds interesting...not the hp part though i still think thats zzzzzzzzzz....sorry!

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