Monday, December 19, 2005
The bullet points of the terminally lazy:
* I realised today that it's 3 years to the day since I had a one night stand with my first (puppy) love. You know the person you were just infatuated with in high school? They were gorgeous and popular and well out of your league? Well, after being thoroughly head over for this guy for at least 7 years, we met up after not seeing each other for a few years and he came back to my house. Although we've tried to meet up since, it's not happened and we only had the one night (and the next morning, I suppose) but it was just so... lovely. Gorgeous guy. Good memory
* Cec turns 23 tomorrow (the 20th). We had a fanTABulous dinner tonight, had a big catch up (having not seen each other for a few weeks) and wandered around the wharf with ice cream after, which was lovely. Happy birthday, babygirl!!
* I saw the SOE yesterday for the first time in, god, at LEAST six months. Christ on a bike. I forgot how GORGEOUS that boy is. I mean, I know he's evil and, you know, EVIL, but he's just SO great looking. Don't get me wrong, I'm over the whole thing, but it was like being punched in the stomach just looking at him. So much zing
* my workies said that as far as they know, I didn't do anything embarrassing the other night. Thank CHRIST!
* do you know how hard it is to find a one bedroom rental that'll let me have a neurotic, chemically-sedated cat? Hard
But irrespective of all the above, I STILL don't know what to buy my dear papa for Christmas. The latest Enya CD, maybe (since he's got all the others). Don't be like that, it's good background music, and she has a better voice than you or I will EVER have. Besides that? NO IDEA
posted by Bug @ 10:42 pm  
9 Rantings:
  • At 2:29 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 6:25 am, Blogger chindi said…

    Sort of ex?

  • At 7:36 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ah, ok

  • At 2:05 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    Thank you for clearing that up :) I forget who knows me actually and who knows me blogly!

    Yes, Sort Of Ex. Four years on and off of sort of, drove me BONKERS

  • At 5:02 am, Blogger chindi said…

    Bug - I should mention in regards to my Good Vibrations post that what the woman was doing is illegal in the US.

  • At 8:38 am, Blogger Bug said…

    Oral sex is illegal in America??????

  • At 9:10 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i think he means it is in a shop!

  • At 9:40 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    Well that's fair enough! But the US can be weirdly prudish (for the country that spawned Paris Hilton). It MIGHT have been illegal

  • At 12:21 am, Blogger chindi said…

    Prostitution is illegal in the US. If he paid for the flute music (which I have no doubt he did) it would be illegal.

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