Thursday, December 22, 2005
Just random
It's wrong and potentially just messy to be a bit infatuated with a married man, isn't it? I mean I KNOW it is, but I actually can't help it (can YOU turn off how you feel??) and it's not like I'm going to do anything about it but it's THERE and it's driving me bonkers
On the upside, I have my third work Christmas piss-up in three weeks tomorrow. Actually, we've got a champagne breakfast and then we're having the piss-up after work. I LOVE MY WORK!
I have a sneaking suspicion I just dyed my face red. Again *sigh*
My legs are fake tanned and the rest of me's not. It looks like my legs have been lounging in Vanuatu while my arms have been hiking in Alaska!
My cat just went out the cat door ON HIS OWN. Why did I not put him on Prozac a YEAR ago??
Christ on a bike! It's 11.30pm and I have to be at work at 7.30am. And I have to rinse my hair dye out and sleep and then shower and make up and choose an outfit before then! Stop distracting me, internet!!
posted by Bug @ 11:32 pm  
3 Rantings:
  • At 8:33 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    is you cat seriously on prozac..?

    if so, will it sell me some??

  • At 1:48 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    Seriously honestly and truthfully on Prozac. He's so MELLOW!

    I know, I so want to take some but NO, that would be recreational drug use and I would probably die!

    The married man is sitting 5 metres away from me looking CUTE...

    Bad Bug

  • At 12:02 am, Blogger chindi said…

    I won't comment on the married man thing as I would probably write a book (seeing has how I was cheated on). As for your legs, how in the world are only they fake baked.

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