Tuesday, December 27, 2005
May your yuletime be gay!
Greetings everyone! I hope you have and are still having a very enjoyable Christmas, and are continuing to gorge yourself on leftover turkey. If you're like me, and despite having been given lots of lovely pressies (and I get a double lot at Christmas, because it's my birthday just before the greatest day of the year) are about to go and hit the post-Christmas sales, may you find lots of bargains! I have embraced Christmas even more than previous years (I know, who would have thought that possible?) - covering my house and garden with pretty lights (then buying another 10 or so boxes yesterday when they went half price in those fantastic after Christmas sales - and I am a dedicated shopper, waiting outside for the shop to open at 8 am on Boxing Day with those other desperate bargain hunters), and even my own person. I wrapped two strings of flashing lights around my head and pinned them to my german braids (when you wrap your braids around your head) on Christmas day at work.
My oldest brother, who is fifteen and a half, and has in the past few months hit puberty with a vengance (monster eyebrow, pimples, cracking voice and ATTITUDE all in one previously quite decent younger brother) and I have actually united this holiday season - we've only had one fight for the whole of December! He has been replying when I talk to him instead of just ignoring me (wonders will never cease), and hasn't been speaking to everyone in snarls or with jeers like we're morons - and he was the only person to help me with the house lights. He even came post-Christmas light shopping with me yesterday, and went shopping with me to find a present for mum before Christmas, and then with Dad, to find presents for everyone. I think he's been infected with the Christmas spirit. I wonder how long it will last? Hopefully at least until new year!
I hope everyone has a thoroughly amazing New Years Eve, and can't remember anything about it except it was amazing!
posted by Cecilia @ 3:15 pm  
1 Rantings:
  • At 8:56 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    Merry Christmas, my little Miss Frieda-head!

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