Thursday, August 18, 2005
Salaams and free cocktails for life
A totally overboard shout-out to Miss Zoot for being UTTERLY fabulous and redoing my blog with a design that's much more me (since, you know, I'm a quasi-alcoholic!)

If I had HALF her talent, I'd be very, very happy

Zoot, you are a gorgeous, talented goddess, and I'm TRYING to think up a proper thank you, but for now? You ROCK

å å å å å å å å å å å å å å å å å å

So I've been sick as a dog (are dogs always sick? I've never understood that phrase) for the last couple of days and have been so giddy and queasy that I haven't been able to shower. That makes *counting* 55 HOURS since I've had a shower. BLECCH! You could fry CHIPS on my head!

But on the upside, I can't eat (besides ice cream; I can ALWAYS eat ice cream) so I'm sure to have lost some weight

Work's going to be pretty shat off with me though, I think :( At least I look like shit so they'll know I wasn't faking!

You know, there's nothing much to talk about when you're doing NOTHING AT ALL, is there? So boring
posted by Bug @ 1:47 pm  
6 Rantings:
  • At 3:04 pm, Blogger Krystal L. said…

    Even for being young, I loved reading your blog and hearing your scathing wit. I have a sister like your PP but we get along from time to time. I added your blog to My Yahoo so I could read along, it's great :)

  • At 3:40 pm, Blogger Lish said…

    Hey! I just randomly stopped by your blog and thought it was cool. Love the design. In vino veritas!

  • At 7:20 pm, Blogger Tim said…

    Regarding dogs being sick: It's not really about them being ill, it's more about them being lunatics. You know, sick like they enjoy really perverted stuff. They're animals, you know, just animals. And they never apologize for that.

  • At 10:04 pm, Blogger chindi said…

    There is always something to post about when you are sick. Like the fact that this day or that you moved about 3 inches because your head hurt. Or about the fact that you slept 23 1/2 hours this day in fits and spurts.

  • At 3:36 am, Blogger Anon said…

    I need a new fryer for my chips, maybe you should come down my neck of the woods and help me cook.

    Like the new design.

  • At 1:42 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    Hooray! Hurrah! Yippee! I have showered and my hair feels NORMAL! Mind you, I'm still off work and moping around the house like a sick mopey thing but at least I'm CLEAN!

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