Tuesday, August 09, 2005
A ridiculous little girl
So. I found out today why my sister loathes and despises me. You see, I thought it was because my brother and I had been talking about Her and Her ex-boyfriend. We hadn’t been bitching about Her OR the ex (who I ADORE) but apparently the fact that we had dared speak Her name without salaaming meant that I was to be shunned for all eternity. When I found this out (through the ex, who She had been bitching about me to), I apologised for the unauthorised talking and expected Her to lighten up just a smidge, since that was the reason for The Great Ignore (more especially since she'd not been angry with my brother at ANY stage)
Oh no. I found out today from Boo, who was told by the SOE, who She talks to (inexplicably, since when She and I were speaking, She loathed him), that the REAL reason She hates me, the reason that I deserve to be cast headfirst into the Bog of Eternal Stench is that I’m SUCH a slut, SUCH a total and completely irredeemable whore that I embarrass Her, and the fact that I don’t even care that She is tainted by association by my terribly licentious ways is JUST as bad
This, I would like to point out, is the girl who is planning on studying psychology at uni next year, the girl who thinks that She will be counselling people through their trials and tribulations with calm, non-judgmental advice (also the girl who said that She is happy to help people with their problems, "as long as they aren’t stupid, pathetic ones")
I mean, it’s TOTALLY understandable that my very close-knit family is ashamed of the way that I just REFUSE to make up with my precious sister, my only sister, my perfect, jewel-of-the-family’s-eye sister, is it not? It’s COMPLETELY understandable that I must’ve done SOMETHING just AWFUL to make She Who Has No Faults or Temper angry with me. And the fact that when I speak to Her, She ignores me is JUST and RIGHT because I am a scarlet woman, who must be CAST OUT of the family circle
Cockroaches are cleaner than me. Dog crap is more pure. Ebola is utterly FABULOUS compared to my immorality
I'm not sure I've ever been angrier in my life
posted by Bug @ 1:50 pm  
9 Rantings:
  • At 7:02 pm, Blogger Léonie said…

    I'm not sure about Susan there..
    I'm angry on your behalf. I'm so sorry about the shit with your sister. Who is she to judge you?
    Is she really so perfect?

  • At 10:36 pm, Blogger chindi said…

    I bet the Perfect Little Sis, isn't nearly as perfect as she seems or is as perfect as she seems and actually is jealous of the life you live. While I may have some old fashioned views on sex and dating, who am I to judge. If that was the case, I would be shunning my brother (who I have told many times is a male whore).

  • At 10:47 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    You know what pisses me off also? Besides the whole UNFAIRNESS of being judged, that it. And that's that I took my self-imposed vow to NOT behave like I used to about the time my sister decided I was worthless

    Not that it was a deliberate thing. I've cared more about tv shows than I do about her having a hissy fit. But it's vaguely ironic (in the Alanis Morrisette sense, of course)

    And thank you for not judging me, Doug. I know my old lifestyle was looked down on by a lot of people but it was MY choice (god, I sound like I was a prostitute, don't I?) and no-one elses. I mean, I have friends who do LOTS of drugs, and even though I am not REMOTELY into drugs at all, I don't judge them for it. My take is, it's your body, do what you want with it, as long as you're not hurting anyone else

    So just grr

    And Léonie, I'm baffled by 'Susan' too. Discombobulated, even. I think you should come to Hobart so we can have a bottle of wine (or 4) and a bitching session :)

  • At 2:01 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    only child, not qualified to answer!
    but you said 'bog of eternal stench' which means you know what it means, which means i love you, and am available as a stand in for your actual sister, should you need one

  • At 4:29 am, Blogger chindi said…

    You know what? Fuck what anyone else thinks. You know, when I tell someone I'm seperated, I always get that look. You know, the one that says, "What the hell kind of a guy are you?". I'm tired of having to explain the facts about the ex and her infidelity. Who are they to judge? Sorry, random venting session.

  • At 8:34 am, Blogger Bug said…

    Vent away, my dear! Anger is good :)

  • At 8:26 pm, Blogger Léonie said…

    Open minds all round. Abso-fuckin-lutely.
    In London (Monkey you'll back me up on this)there are more diverse people than literally ANYWHERE else I have ever been. People vary so much from each other that if you went around worrying about it you would be in a constant state of turmoil.
    Seriously. More than Paris, New York, Sydney.. not been to Berlin but I understand that it's crazy over there too.
    Vive la Difference I say.

  • At 10:08 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    My friend Cecilia went ballistic in Berlin. She thought it was the most fantabulous place she's ever been!

  • At 6:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yeah, thats true léonie, i suppose its sort of like, everyone fits into some sort of 'minority' like for me, not being from london. but the majority of people, are in some minority or other (if that makes sense..), so anything goes. you can even do this:


    (man in orange rabbit suit) and no one bats an eyelid..

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