Wednesday, August 03, 2005
*heaves a great big sigh of relief*
You know what I hate? Being on the out with one of my friends. Especially when that friend is closer to me than my sister (since, you know, my sister hates me and all). Although not closer to me than my mattress. I wouldn't marry my friend, but I'd marry my mattress
But I digress. We had a fight and she didn't understand why I was angry and hurt and I didn't understand why she was doing what was making me angry and hurt, but we yelled and screamed and slung barbs about it all and now we're good
And that's GREAT!
- å - ¯ - å - ¯ - å - ¯ - å -
Dental update: I went to MY dentist today. My dentist who I LURVE. And I DON'T have to have my tooth pulled out! I'm getting some weird anaesthetising filling that should just dull the nerve. Failing that, I may still have to have the root canal work but YAY! I'm not going to look like a nasty bogan with missing teeth!
posted by Bug @ 9:32 pm  
6 Rantings:
  • At 10:19 pm, Blogger Léonie said…

    Very very cool on both counts.
    Hurray! A good day for you, then.
    I'm really pleased for you.

  • At 10:24 pm, Blogger chindi said…

    Friend fights are always weird. particulary if you almost never have them. I can't even imagine being a woman and having a fight with another female friend. Those usually go badly (or so I'm told). I'm glad you're OK. I'm also glad you won't become the toothless wonder.

  • At 8:36 pm, Blogger Léonie said…

    Also - what's a bogan? Is it an Australian thing? I don't think there are any in the UK.
    Maybe they only like sunshine and surfing and Neighbours.

  • At 12:30 am, Blogger Bug said…

    :) A bogan is... how can I describe a bogan? They wear skin-tight black jeans and work boots and flannel shirts, they have their first kid at 16 and say "fings" instead of "things" and they LOVE to spit in public. They often have missing teeth, they ALWAYS smoke (usually 16mg cigarettes) and they don't work if they can possibly help it. Americans call them hicks, I think the English call them chavs, but whatever you call them, they're YUCKY!!!

  • At 1:18 am, Blogger chindi said…

    hicks, rednecks, square scum, townies, hessians, trailer trash and so on....

  • At 8:49 pm, Blogger Léonie said…

    Ah yes. The Chav. Go to It is sadly very accurate. (weeps)

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