Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Totally inane
Here you go, an example of what complete morons (and time-wasters) my friends and I are:
Lady Bugalugs: Have you ever read the side of a pack of Mentos? It says "chewy dragees". What in the name of all that is yummy and sugary are "chewy dragees"?
The dastardly (but cute) SOE: www.google.com.au :P
Bug: Oh just :P You’re such a sarky lad
SOE: Hmmmm nah, it’s what the net is there for, people seem to forget or overlook this fact
Bug: Well yes, bug DRAGEES??
SOE: Yes dear, dragees is a real term
Bug: Uh-huh. Known about dragees all your life, have you? Used to eat them as a tike? Or did you just look them up and now you’re crowing over me? :P WHAT’S WRONG WITH "LOLLIES"????
SOE: TECHNICALLY they’re those little teeny gold/silver/shiny coloured ball things you get for decorating cakes
Bug: I thought they were called chocoucos or something equally Spanish looking. I’ve never been able to pronounce it. I just call them "those murderous little gold/silver/shiny coloured ball things that break my teeth when I try to chew them and send me to the dentist, who I avoid religiously". Dragees rolls off the tongue a little sweeter though, doesn’t it?
SOE: They’re not actually supposed to be eaten by the way :P
Bug: Well they shouldn’t be made of sugar then, should they??
SOE: They shouldn’t, but they are probably for the simple fact that people DO try to eat them, and let’s face it, they wouldn’t be very healthy if they were made out of plastic now, would they?
BUG: Well no, but if they had a warning on the label that said "DO NOT EAT THESE! THEY’LL BREAK YOUR FUCKING TEETH!", that would be much safer
SOE: I think it’s one of those life experience things
p.s. Pink face update: the dye seems to have MOSTLY come off in the shower (thank FUCK!), although my hands are still decidedly rosy :)
posted by Bug @ 8:35 am  
2 Rantings:
  • At 7:23 am, Blogger chindi said…

    I'll stick to the peanut M & M's. I have been eating M&M's my entire life. (It's couldn't be because Hershey is so close?). My grandmother had this little dish in the dinning room she always kept stocked with plain ones. THe funny thing is, I don't think I EVER saw her or my grandfather eat them. I guess I have to ask pap about.

  • At 12:21 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    M&Ms are GRAND!

    That's what grandparents are for, you know - spoiling their grandies!! If they actually ATE the M&Ms, they'd be messing with the chi

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