Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Holy snapping duck shit!
So I've decided to keep my part time job and work nights as WELL as working full time at my brand new job, which means that on 2, 3 or 4 (depending on the roster) days a week, I'll be working 13.5 hours a day! It's like I'm a struggling single mum working the graveyard shift to put her precocious kid into an exclusive school

On the upside, LOTS OF MONEY!!! LOTS and LOTS and LOTS!!! For $30 an hour, I can sacrifice a little sleep!

(although we'll see if I'm still saying that in a week or two when I'm sleepy and grumpy)

Point of interest (actually, it's a point of absolutely NO interest whatsoever, I just wanted to whinge): it's the first day of winter today. I MISS THE BEACH!!! I went there every single day over summer! Where did the hot weather go?? I want it ba-ha-hack!
posted by Bug @ 11:59 am  
2 Rantings:
  • At 12:54 am, Blogger chindi said…

    Summer is just starting here. I'm not a big beach fan. (can't swim and don't like sand up my ass). Although I like beach volleyball. I'm looking forward to carnivals and fairs the most. Then there is this real nice amusement park called Kneobles I love going to. It's never super crowded, it's cheap (pay as you ride) and the rides are decent.

  • At 5:58 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    wow...thats mad, but actually thats the kind of way i'd work, but hopefully just short term! last summer i got an ok job and some days i was there about 12-14 hours a day, plus an hour and a bit travelling each way, it wasnt even that well paid,and i didnt know my name by the end of it.
    at least you'll be so busy you wont mind that you dont have good weather, unless you work outside...

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