Friday, May 27, 2005
At last! At goddamn flipping LAST!!
I don't have to be a bum anymore!
My employment agency chick called me today to let me know that one of the firms I'd applied at had accepted me and that I was to call them imMEDiately to find out start dates and salary and everything. GOODO!
It's not that I didn't enjoy sleeping in till all hours of the morning (and sometimes afternoon) and being able to go out every night and not have to worry about being hungover the next day and hanging out with Tilly the Terrible Puss, but I kind of like having a bit of structure to my day. And my brain DEFINITELY likes having something to do with itself - it's kind of atrophied in recent months!
So after two months of being basically unemployed, and two and a half years before that of being unhappy with my job (although I liked the industry; real estate's pretty interesting), I am about to become a 'combined funds administrator'. And no, I don't know what that is either
But if they're going to give me the salary I asked for and teach me new things and take a chance on someone who's never worked in finance before (unless you count giving people change), then I'll make myself an 'I Y combined funds' t-shirt if they want me to!
So tonight I bought myself a bottle of my favourite wine (Brown Brothers Crouchen Riesling, mmm) and a bottle of CS Cowboy and a bag of my favourite chips. And now I'm in my favourite jammies curled up next to the heater while it's all but snowing outside (and there IS snow on the mountain, damn it!) (Oh, and my city is under a mountain, just so you know. I wasn't talking about some random mountain in the alps or anything) and I'm going to watch a movie and just hang out. Cos pretty soon, I'm probably going to be ACHING to be unemployed again, so I'll enjoy it while I have it!
posted by Bug @ 10:09 pm  
5 Rantings:
  • At 12:11 am, Blogger chindi said…

    I hate snow. I wish it would actually get warm and stay warm here. It's like Mother Nature just can't make up her mind.

  • At 12:38 am, Blogger Léonie said…

    Yay!!! I think you should get some chocolate as well to be able to properly practise 'combining' your foods like a pro.
    I thought maybe you were being all metaphorical and mysterious - I'm going to spend the rest of the day saying "there IS snow on the mountain" in dark tones...

  • At 10:29 pm, Blogger Cecilia said…

    HELLOOO!!! Do I call you Bug here? I finally wrestled the computer from my brothers and, after firstly managing to go to a page full of DNA testing links, over the space of 3 hours read your entire blogs and comments. Then read a couple of Leonie's more recent accounts and I do think that you two have LOTS in common and very similar writing styles. AND you have a job!! Call for celebration yet am intensly disappointed that you didn't use that old-fashioned tool the MOBILE PHONE and message me instantly with this momentous news and I had to read about it here. If I wasn't such a boring home-body who is working every day this week (I have to do two shifts totally alone this week - how boring!!) I'd suggest a celebratory drink! LOVE CECELIA!!!! Or maybe Celia. I sometimes like Cecelia better, other times I go with Celia.

  • At 11:44 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    Cecil, m'dear, you are a knob! But I love you anyway xo I thought you'd get a kick out of 'Cecilia' - your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to work out who everyone else is by their pseudonyms

    And thank you for reading, lovey, that just makes me feel all warm inside :)

    p.s. I didn't want to give you news like THAT over a text message!

  • At 4:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    a job! i wish i had one of those...well done though, it sounds good, i hope you have/ are still celebrating. its good you held out for something you wanted to do, not like *some* people who take any old job like, crazy-survey-asking-lady la la...

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