Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Tag! I'm it!
Lordy lordy! I've been tagged! Which, as I said on Léonie's site, is groovy cos it means I get to talk about myself even MORE than I already do! (I promise, if you ever actually meet me, I'll ask you questions about yourself and listen to you and NOT talk about myself non-stop, really and truly I will!)
Hmm, going to ponder some answers while I make myself chicken munchies because a) they're cute AND yummy and b) I'm hungry since I work from 6-11pm and don't get to eat dinner
Ok, back now, fork in hand, so here we go:

1) Total volume of music files on my computer
I canNOT get over this - I have 2.4 GIG of music! That's SHITLOADS! How does this computer still RUN???

2) The last CD I bought was
"Mest" by Mest (thrilling title, huh?). I'm a total faux punk rocker. I WISH I was punky and I dye my hair and wear black and have lots of earrings and a tattoo and whatever, but I'm really more nerd than rebel. It's just sad. But anyway, I LURVE poppy punk rock (Good Charlotte, Blink 182, The Offspring, all that sort of stuff) and Mest are pretty cool, even if that album's 2 years old

3) Song playing right now
"Spare Me the Details" by The Offspring. I'm pretty much playing it on repeat at the moment. Ethel the Frog, my favourite local band, do an AWESOME version of this every time they play. It gets me dancing every time (and that's an achievement cos I'm completely unco)

4) Five songs I listen to a lot or that mean a lot to me (in no particular order)
"Wonderwall" by Oasis. I rowed for 4 years and my second season, Oasis had JUST come out and everyone was in love with "Wonderwall" and I was the unofficial stereo supplier on the bus to our regattas. I hear that song and I still think of being up at 3.30am for a 5 hour drive to the rowing course and how much fun we all used to have together
"Castles in the Sky" by Ian van Dahl. I don't actually listen to it that much (although I used to) but it reminds me of the Sort-Of Ex back when he was a potential newbie and was still a good guy. Actually, I kind of listen to it everyday cos it's my ringtone
"Jack and Diane" by John Cougar Mellencamp. Jeremy, Ethel the Frog's singer, used to sing by himself on Thursday nights at my old pub and my friends and I would go EVERY single Thursday for the WHOLE night and sing along and we just adopted "Jack and Diane" for some reason (we all also spent every single Fridya at work hungover. Every single one .Blecch). It actually got to the stage where Jeremy wouldn't play it anymore cos we asked for it every time we saw him
"Jaded (These Years)" by Mest (feat. Benji Madden). Tony Lovato, the lead singer of Mest, is Benji Madden's (from Good Charlotte) best friend and they wrote the song together and I love it love it love it and play it in my car all the time. Actually, the lyrics kind of sum up me. Hmm
"If I Let You Go" by Westlife. I was just head over heels in puppy love with a guy at school when that song came out (actually, I was head over heels for him for about 5 years, but whatever) and even now, having listened to it at LEAST 400 hundred times, I still think of him and of that particular summer when I hear it

5) Who are you passing this baton to, and why?
Oh god, most of the blogs I read have already been tagged or are too big and busy to have time to do this, I think, so let's see . . .
  • Miss Zoot - because she makes me smile every time I read her page
  • The Random Muse - for the same reason
  • Real Girl - because she gives me girly advice and I don't know much about her other than beauty stuff
  • Boogle - just because she's my (non-lesbian) other half and she's not written anything for donkeys
And I'm done! And that's taken me an HOUR! Jeepers! Well, I have my new jammies on (that I'm addicted to!) and Attila the Puss is rampaging, so I think I'll have to go to bed but thank you Léonie for saying I'm cool (well shucks!) and tagging me!
posted by Bug @ 1:08 am  
4 Rantings:
  • At 3:56 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I've got 7.09 GB of music and didn't really think it was that much! I know a guy who's got more than four times as much music as I have!!! Just thought I'd say so. :)

  • At 11:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just found your blog through Léonie's, i did my tag thing earlier too.
    I haven't had a proper look yet, but i will come back, if thats ok!

  • At 2:06 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    Yes darling, come back! I don't mind :) And for 'anonymous', how do you have time to LISTEN to 7.05 GB?? I don't listen to half of mine!

  • At 2:06 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    Oops, 7.09, I meant. Ignore me, I'm stupid!

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