Saturday, May 21, 2005
So dumb. So, so dumb
Proof, if proof was needed, that I should not be allowed to do ANYthing besides sit on the couch when I have a cold:
My brother wanted my unblocky nose spray (since he also has a cold and is all snuffly and blocked up and gross)
The nose spray was in my handbag
I grabbed myself a glass of water and headed up to my bedroom to grab the nose spray
My handbag was on the floor
I tucked the glass of water into the crook of my arm and bent over to get the nose spray out of my handbag
I poured the entire glass of water directly into my handbag
Because I'm an idiot. A bleary-eyed, snotty, red-nosed idiot
posted by Bug @ 5:13 pm  
2 Rantings:
  • At 2:51 am, Blogger Léonie said…

    I ALWAYS do that sort of thing. Then spend the next hour telling everyone about it so they will know how stupid I am. Strange. The thing is, when it happens, I don't even think 'oh shit! shit!' and panic. It's more just a resigned 'oh. here we go again'.

  • At 2:03 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    Exactly. That's what I did, just stood in my room saying "well crap" till my brother came in and laughed his arse off *sigh*

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