Monday, May 09, 2005
Hmm, opinions on surprises?
I can never quite work out whether I like surprises or not. On the one hand, I LURVE horror movies and the more scary things jumping out of the dark, the better. On the other hand, a friend 'surprising' you with the news that she just gave your boyfriend a blow job (oh yes, it happened), not so great
It's my birthday tomorrow and my friend Cecilia has informed me that I will be kidnapped and forced to spend the day doing whatever it is that she's planned (she also made it clear that she's not keen on what we're going to do and won't enjoy it, but that I will - um, ok Cecil!) but she's refusing to tell me what it is exactly that she's booked (she did tell me that she'd had to book). I know I have to wear a jacket so my guess is we're going to be somewhere on the waterfront, since everywhere else here is super-overheated at the moment because it's so COLD (I miss summer. I miss the beach)
I WANT TO KNOW WHAT WE'RE DOING!! Will there be boys???
What about you, any potential readers I may inexplicably have? Do you like surprises? At Christmas, did you search the house from top to bottom, every cupboard, trying to peek at your presents? Or did you love the suspense on Christmas morning?
posted by Bug @ 12:50 pm  
5 Rantings:
  • At 6:54 pm, Blogger Léonie said…

    I like nice surprises, like presents and cake. Although not a surprising cake, like, ooh it's a cake, but SURPRISE!!! It's made entirely out of shit. I don't like surprises that make me shake uncontrollably for two days straight, like finding out my recent ex is seeing one of my best friends. I think I'd rather have a cake made out of shit.

  • At 6:54 pm, Blogger Léonie said…

    I like nice surprises, like presents and cake. Although not a surprising cake, like, ooh it's a cake, but SURPRISE!!! It's made entirely out of shit. I don't like surprises that make me shake uncontrollably for two days straight, like finding out my recent ex is seeing one of my best friends. I think I'd rather have a cake made out of shit.

  • At 9:09 am, Blogger Bug said…

    Ooh dear :( And how are you and the friend? Forget the ex - he can rot in hell. But she (I'm assuming it's a she) should ABSOLUTELY know better!

  • At 11:13 pm, Blogger Léonie said…

    Oh, it's a she. And I did such a grown up mature thing of sending her a text saying like, 'hey, so that was a bit strange, but hope things between us can be cool'.. etc.. and she didn't reply for two days, and has just replied really blasé and didn't even say sorry for the shock or anything. Hmm.. think they deserve each other!

  • At 11:24 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    That was VERY mature and grown up of you! I don't know that I'd be so calm about it in your shoes! But surely, SURELY she should be just a LITTLE contrite about the whole thing, do you not think?

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