Friday, April 29, 2005
It's a lovely day todaaaaaaay . . .
actually it's not. It's a weird nothing kind of day. I woke up at 5am (when Attila the Puss wanted to be fed) and it was blowing a GALE and sort of windy raining. Then it stopped about 9am and the sun came out. Then it started raining again about midday. And then it was almost hot and wearing a long sleeved top while I was shopping was too much and I felt all sweaty and yuck. And now it's overcast and drizzly and windy again and just blah

BUT. It's a LOVELY day today because my best friend Adrian, who lives in a whole other state and who (whom?) I've not seen for months, is having his 21st tonight! I mean, granted, he's having it at Irish, which is so very much not my sort of pub (although I had a GRAND old time there a couple of weeks back) but I'm hanging out to see Age cos it's been so long and Ethel the Frog are playing and I LURVE Ethel the Frog. They're a cover band but they're GREAT and the lead singer is TOO SEXY to have a girlfriend (although he does. Shit)
Problem though: it's a black and white party. As in, I have to wear black and white. Now, I always wear black. ALWAYS. I even dabbled in the goth look a few (like 8) years back. I own shedloads of black clothes. Black make up? No worries. Black shoes? Check. Black nail polish? A very punky uh-huh. But white? No. Oh nooooo. One of the advantages of black is how well it hides dirt. And white DOES NOT. And I lounge everywhere. So the only white thingie I have is a black and white sweater that I love but kind of makes me look like I'm 'off for a spot of tennis'. Or maybe like a Russian sailor. Do I wear that? Do I just wear all black? Do I ring my sister even though she hates me and see if she has something white? Do I call Boo's sister and borrow her white accessories??
I'm no good at this sort of thing! I'm not a girly girl! I like football and scotch and cars and politics and my trackies and would rather bum around in my jammies than go shopping. I don't even OWN a skirt!
But not going is not an option. Did I mention I haven't seen Age for MONTHS? I mean look at him:
How could anyone not love a face like that?
posted by Bug @ 5:06 pm  
1 Rantings:
  • At 9:07 pm, Blogger Léonie said…

    I think.. I think you should wear.. er.. all black and claim that everything else looks much whiter because of your black attire. Say it's a physics phenomenon, then no one will question you because they'll think you're too boring to talk to! Flawless.

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