Sunday, July 10, 2005
Oh nooooooooo
I look like... brace yourselves... an oompa loompa. You know, if oompa loompas were short, plump and orange. Oh, hang on, THEY WERE!
Let me 'splain. No, is too much, let me sum up (ten points for placing the quote): I just dyed my hair 'hot chilli'. The dye-y water while rinsing in the shower dyed my face on its way down from my head. Hence, ORANGE FACE!!! NOT a good look! AND, as far as I can tell, ALL the colour's been washed from my hair so I have an ORANGE OOMPA LOOMPERY FACE and totally dull NORMAL COLOURED hair!
Just hell
So I'm sending mental thanks to the makers of my wine glasses that LITERALLY hold half a bottle of wine, and also to the creaters of coffee cream twisters (choccie wafer stick thingies with coffee cream in the middle, mmm)
p.s. Yes, a frivolous entry, especially in light of recent English events, but let's be frank: the whole horrible mess has been covered and discussed and analysed and dissected and pondered and everyone's feeling sad all the time. A few years ago a crazy man went crazier and massacred dozens of people in a shooting spree not far from where I live. It was covered relentlessly by the press for months, over and over, every single insignificant detail. By the end of it all, I was craving soap operas and pop music and Lego and teen magazines. So let's not dwell. Sure, cry for the families whose loved ones are dead or missing; marvel at the couple who survived rushing out of one of the stations when a bomb went off and climbing on a bus, only to then have that blow up; sigh relievedly for those of us with family in London who were on their way to work at the time but managed to miss it all and send mental condolences to anyone living there right now, struggling bravely with the aftermath
But do it quickly. Don't dwell on it. Instead, put on The Offspring and dance madly around the living room. After all, you might die in a car crash on your way to work tomorrow, and wouldn't you rather have had your last night be a mad dance-a-thon than a mope?
posted by Bug @ 10:01 pm  
5 Rantings:
  • At 11:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    secretly, i always crave lego.
    thats so bad about the dye! it makes my self tan near disaster seem tame.
    remember i said i found out future OC things? im watching that episode right now, worth waiting for!

  • At 12:45 am, Blogger Miles Gehm said…

    I like your writing. Dancing to OFFSPRING is always good.

  • At 12:18 am, Blogger chindi said…

    I think a photo would have done this better justice.

  • At 8:37 am, Blogger Bug said…

    Aha! But there are no photos in existence, thank GOD!

  • At 2:35 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    Very, very, VERY dead

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