Monday, June 06, 2005
Well. Wasn't THAT an emotional post??
Firstly, I'm sorry, Cecil. I know how upset you get about Lily, just like you know how upset I get about Harry. I didn't mean to make you cry. Aren't we sad old spinsters with our kittens?
Secondly, that is just about the oddest "first day at work" ever. They didn't have any work for me to do, so I sat in the lunch room for an hour. Then I got put at some other woman's desk. Then I was put on data entry (like I don't do enough of that!). And then I discovered that the skinny, blonde, severe-looking 18-year-old I had written off as a nasty bitch was actually a pretty wicked chick (note to self: your first impressions are ALWAYS wrong, Bug. ALWAYS)
Strange day. Strange, strange day
p.s. There's a babely boy on the third floor though :)
posted by Bug @ 10:04 pm  
1 Rantings:
  • At 2:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    babely...sounds good. i havent worked anywhere with a third floor before nevermind nice boys!
    i'm having first impression troubles too...glad your first day worked out well though, hope it stays that way!

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