Thursday, July 21, 2005
Oh yes, oh yes, a great big OH YES
My new bed was delivered this morning!! It's wood and wrought iron and Queen-sized and pretty and will go excellently with my fantabulous mattress
(I swear to God - who I don't believe in but whatever - I would marry my mattress if I could. It's THAT comfy. I LURVE my mattress so very, very much)
Question is: what on earth do I do with my ensemble base?? And what will Attila the Puss do without his little dizzy-wizzy playground?
But YES! A BED! Now I finally have something to attach my handcuffs to :)
posted by Bug @ 1:50 pm  
5 Rantings:
  • At 2:56 pm, Blogger chindi said…

    Hmmm... Handcuffs. Sounds fun unless there are whips and so forth involved, then maybe not so fun. I need a new bed. There are nights I think I would rather sleep on my comfy couch instead.

  • At 7:41 pm, Blogger Léonie said…

    Mmm.. Sleepy sleep. Beds. So tired. Handcuffs appeal because then I could handcuff myself to the bed, claim I was making some kind of political protest, and then.. sleeeeeep....

  • At 11:59 am, Blogger Cecilia said…

    Hey you!

    For all I love my own mattress that is at least 35 years old, I would be perfectly prepared to have an affair with your mattress, if it would have me! In fact, if you have no other company in your bed on Sunday morning, I am planning on crawling into bed with you in a drunken stupor after my return to the clubbing scene on Saturday the 6th. And YES, I WILL DEFINATELY be going out that night, no piking out. Oh, and I have that series here in my book cupboard that 'Doug' was telling you about - daughter/servant/mistress of the empire. Might be a bit sci-fi for you though.

    Oh, and I will meet you at the gym at 12 Sunday, PLEASE come and make me work really hard because I squatted down at work yesterday and the zip on my pants exploded. Yes, I literally am 'bursting out of my pants!' And I thought I'd toned up a bit! Oh, and you'd better bring my Half-Blood Prince with you or I'll be forced to 'Sepremisia' you! (okay, I can't spell incantations!)

  • At 1:24 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    Sectumsempra, Cec. And you're not tough enough for that, I'm about twice your size :P

    I don't want to go to the gym. Bugger off. Let's go for a swim or a walk instead! Or do I HAVE to go to the yucky gym and be hypnotised by that guy's underarm hair?? Gross

  • At 1:37 am, Blogger Léonie said…

    Did you say 'Bugger off' in the manner of an old, drunk English member of the aristocracy? Because that's really the only way to say it.
    Gyms are BAD. People die in them. By like, falling off stuff and having stuff fall on them. And sweating to death.
    Just be careful, ok?

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