Thursday, July 14, 2005
Wrong, but oh so totally fun
So yesterday, five and a half weeks into my new job (which I LURVE), I took my first sick day. Was I sick? Yeah no, not so much

The other night, Boo and I went to her work (at about midnight!) so she could pick up her lip gloss and Delroy, a LOVERLY 19-year-old who works the night shift there, was bored and said we could sit in the - deserted - bar and hang out. Being losers with nothing better to do, we did and ended up having a grand old time, gossiping with Delroy into the wee hours. Which was all fine and dandy except that I didn't get home till 3-3.30 and I have to get up at 6.30 for work. Every now and then I go to work with only a couple of hours sleep but I woke up and felt like SHIT so even though it was self-inflicted, I took a sick day (and got much sympathy from my workies, which made me feel trés guilty)
And this sick day that I underhandedly took? (which I did use half of to catch up on sleep, by the way) Was an absolutely FUN day. Boo came and picked me up (read: flopped heavily onto my legs while I was still asleep to wake me up) about lunch time and we went to Delroy's house and hung out there for a bit. Then Boo got a call from Bumpkin (who ALSO works with Boo and Delroy) and she organised him to come and pick the three of us up and we went for a drive up the mountain (sounds random, doesn't it? My city is at the bottom of a mountain and there's an observation deck up the top - everyone drives up the mountain, we're not weird) to see if there was any snow (there wasn't). After that we drove out to Richmond, a little town about half an hour out of my city, which is one of the oldest towns in Australia (and also has the BEST bakery and the BEST lolly shop)
We had to drop Delroy home after that because he was working last night as well and had had even less sleep than I had, but Boo and Bumpkin and I went to the house he's minding at the moment (It. Is. Gorgeous) and then to the pub, where we stayed for about 6 hours (with Bumpkin buying the drinks - gnarly!)
In the end I HAD to go home cos I was BUGGERED (and still am - feeling crook again today) but it was one of the best days I've ever had, I think. Just hanging out with comfy-type people doing relaxing-type things. A good fun
posted by Bug @ 2:02 pm  
2 Rantings:
  • At 10:47 pm, Blogger chindi said…

    Oh, the "sick" (wink, wink) day. I have taken a few of them in my time. I'm too tired, I don't feel like getting out of bed, I have something better to do/go, or maybe I want to watch reruns of Gilligans Island on TV or catch up on my daytime talk shows.

    I feel you though. I so wanted to not come into work today.

  • At 12:57 am, Blogger Léonie said…

    I took a day off on Tuesday, but although it was fun because it involved lunching and strolling long the Thames in the sun and beer a-plenty, I was feeling a little post-robbery exhaustion. Your day sounds lovely! Hurray for non-sick sick days!

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