I went out last night with Cecilia and Boo for a bit of a girls' nite (vodka, Red Bull, tequila, boys, dancing) and it turned into such a strange night! Firstly, we had to line up at Irish Murphy's. A bit of back story for you, Boo and I are friends with most of the bouncers in Hobart, so we rarely line up or pay to get in anywhere (yes, it's convenient AND cheap to be our friend!). We don't abuse it or anything, but that's how it is. At Surreal, we're pretty much permanently on the staff list so we get to walk past the line and go in for free; at Syrup, where all the touring DJs do their thang (very important to pronounce it "thayng", to get the right dorky thing going. Sorry, THANG) and it might cost $40 to get in, again, free and no waiting; at Irish, we don't line up AND we don't have to show ID (I HATE showing ID - I don't LOOK 17 so why do I have to prove that I'm 18??) So Cec was inside Irish at the bar and Boo and I went outside for a minute to cool down while Ethel the Frog was having a break between sets (oh we danced our little socks off, much funness) and then went to walk back in and the bouncers wouldn't let us in (the bouncer we know and are friends with is in Samoa. Bastard) without lining up. That's not even taking advantage! Even if we DIDN'T know the staff, why should we line up AGAIN when we've been inside for 2 HOURS??? Then we went to Surreal and walked straight through to the girl with the list who informed us that no, sorry, there can only be TWO people let through for free, that's the rule. That's also crap, since we've had FIVE people on the list before! So Cec had to pay to get in (although she has shedloads of money, so she'll be ok) And THEN, we were dancing our (by now quite tired) socks off even further when some FUCKING MORON threw a glass or a bottle or something into the crowd and it hit me in the head and I was half brained and my LORD it hurt! An enormous bouncer came and half carried me into the staff room (I was kind of woozy and my legs kept giving out) and gave me an ice pack and although I was keen to kick on, Cec and Boo decided that my random wooziness meant we should go home (probably a good plan, actually) so we went outside to get a taxi to Boo's car (yes, we're lazy, the car was about 1km away) and it was POURING. Pouring BUCKETS in fact AND there was a line 50-odd people long for the taxi rank. So we ended up walking to the car and we. Were. Soaked. I have NEVER been so wet in my life. I don't know how, but even in the SHOWER I'm not as wet as I was last night It was FUN!!!!! We walked down the road dancing and singing and generally acting like loons (terribly attractive drowned rat loons, of course) and I wouldn't let them in the house till I'd dashed in and grabbed big fluffy towels, but still, FUN! So explain this to me: we were patronised by the Irish bouncers (Boo was after their BLOOD, they'll be in trouble when we go back next week), vaguely ripped off by the door girl at Surreal, I was beaned in the head with something AND we got drenched in the middle of night in the middle of winter, yet it was still a fun night How on EARTH is that possible??? Oh. And I have a new crush :) |
sounds like an eventful night!