Sunday, August 14, 2005
And now for something completely frivolous...
1) it's 12.28am on a Saturday night (Sunday morning?) and I'm at home in my jammies, drinking Cowboy and playing on eBay. I am SAD
2) my hair is curly today. Much coolness!
3) you know the crush I have? Mmm, possibly have another one. Since I am a tart. This one is DEFINITELY evil though. But diaBOLically cute as well
4) (this is a weird question, and kind of gross, so skip this if you have some delusion about me being normal and/or cultured. Which of COURSE you don't, cos HELLO!) You know the stuff you get on your tongue? The coating or whatever it is? (ew ew ew) WHY is there a part of my tongue that doesn't get ANY? It's about the size of an M&M (yum) and it's perfect and pink, virgin tongue (he he). And no, I'm not going to tell you why I was looking at my tongue
5) Benji Madden from Good Charlotte has a girlfriend. I may cry. And yes, I am a teenybopper
6) a nasty, gross, tarty skank said I was ugly last night. I laughed. I laughed even more when my friend (who she was dancing with) said "She's prettier than you. Shut up"
7) if they're well above legal age, how much younger than you is TOO young?
8) I really, really, REALLY want to move into a place of my own, with or without flatmates. It's not that I don't like living with my daddy, the world's BEST cook, but it's so FUN living out of home and I'm 22!! That's MUCH too old to be living with a parent in this city! Although my brother is the coolest thing ever, so living with him is groovy
Hmm. I may go rustle up something to eat - sudden (non-drug-induced) munchies
Night, chickens!
posted by Bug @ 12:41 am  
3 Rantings:
  • At 12:20 pm, Blogger chindi said…

    Why were you looking at your tongue? I know you asked us not to ask, but asking us not to ask just makes us asking the question all the more likely to be asked.

  • At 12:44 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    This is true :)

  • At 8:32 am, Blogger Anon said…

    For some dark twisted reason I feel like answering every numbered point you wrote about, even though they're not even questions that could be answered, And so:

    1) Not sad, I’m at home on a Sunday night feeling sorry for myself with a bottle of red wine knowing that work is imminent... now that is sad (or depressing, can't figure it out at the moment) What’s Cowboy?!
    2) Can't think of much to say to that... but the first thing that comes to mind is the curly whirly chocs I used to eat on the way to school when I was a wee lad. Only less hairy and more chocolaty. A snip @ 10p (I think).
    3) Sometimes I can be a bit of a man-whore... However, aren't all men?
    4) Virgin tongues huh? I like em. (man-whoreness coming through there… please accept my deepest apologies)
    5) Why am I still writing?!?!
    6) Some people just like saying that sh*t to make themselves feel better (she sounds like she's knees deep in de-Nile about her own ugliness "not just a river in Egypt ya'know")
    7) Not too sure I understand the question, I think I do but I’ll pass. My man-whoreness might jump in and start going off on one!
    8) Living on your own is quality, I lived on my own through Oz and South East Asian for 8 months and had the time of my life, came home to the parents and it wasn't the same. So I’ve now moved to a two bed flat and its a lot more interesting. You can be in any sort of inebriated state and not have to answer to anyone... now that’s living... actually its slowly killing yourself, but at least I understand the consequences clearly! Ouch!

    Well I think I’ll stop now. I’ve got some drug-induced munchies… I love those.

    Take care… and lastly to mention your previous post… actually I’ll stop there I don’t want to offend someone’s hair preferences, I’ve got far too many gag’s for that kind of hairstyle.

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