Monday, August 15, 2005
Well. I'm not sure I've been that mature since about Grade 9! Although the SOE wasn't being totally dignified either, I think, although I was probably worse. He WAS mean though. But whatever. We definitely bring out the worst in each other!
I'm calling a truce though, I can't be bothered anymore. I never stay angry at anyone for more than about a day (for most things) so fighting is pointless
Along with the rest of my personality revampage (hey, I'm losing weight, I may as well lose some emotional baggage as well!), including giving up flirting (I've been SO good you would NOT believe) and bitching, I'm going to try to give up dwelling on things past. I think that's healthy!
posted by Bug @ 9:54 pm  
5 Rantings:
  • At 12:56 am, Blogger Léonie said…

    So.. just to clarify.. you're not going to turn into one of those uber-thin, peacelovehappinessandlittlebutterflies, non-angry people now are you? We all need an injection of bitchy cynicism once in a while.
    Don't change too much!

  • At 8:34 am, Blogger Bug said…

    For a start, I will NEVER be uber-thin. I am upholstered :)

    And also, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?? Give up CYNICISM?? Not bloody likely. I am an angry-type chick!

    However, I am in favour of world peace, so I'll go with the peace bit

  • At 5:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    And for a healthy dose of cynicism... I'll believe it when I see it.

  • At 5:38 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    here you go- questions for you, sorry theres only three, i can no longer count higher.

    1.what are your most and least favourite alcoholic drinks?
    2.Does anyone you know in person, know about your blog?
    3.Did you ever have an invisible friend?

  • At 11:25 am, Blogger Bug said…

    Perko, what will you believe when you see it? Me losing weight or not dwelling?

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