Friday, August 19, 2005
It's possible that I'm in love with my dentist
Good-looking? Well, he's about 60, bald and paunchy, so not really my type
Charming? He hasn't offered to buy me a drink or held a door open for me, no

Witty? He's possibly the most unfunny person I've ever met
But did he give me MONSTROUS amounts of anaesthetic today because I asked him to? YES! Did my nasty, horrible, bastard of a filling hurt? NO! Does my face now look and feel normal (aside from a vaguely tingling lip, since the massive dose of marcaine's only just wearing off)? YES!
And for that reason I think I may have to be in love with him. It only seems fair!
posted by Bug @ 11:08 pm  
7 Rantings:
  • At 12:47 am, Blogger Léonie said…

    The men that give you drugs on demand? They're the keepers, for sure.

  • At 12:49 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    Only legal drugs, of course, but this is true

  • At 1:22 am, Blogger chindi said…

    Legal is a relative term. It all depends on where you are.

  • At 8:31 am, Blogger Bug said…

    Oh I know this, but I am NOT a speed/eccie/crystal meth/pot/Mitsubishi/LSD taker. Lots of my friends consider me a nerd that way but I value my brain cells too much!

  • At 8:20 pm, Blogger Léonie said…

    I took 3 painkillers today. For twisted and evil period pain that is ripping my legs off as I type. The painkillers did not work so I'm going to try heroin in a minute, I've heard that's effective.

  • At 10:35 pm, Blogger chindi said…

    leonie - The description of your legs being ripped off was great. I laughed out loud here in my cubicle at work.

  • At 10:47 pm, Blogger Anon said…

    Leonie, you should try a Valium, a fatty spliff and a big glass of whiskey... i'm telling you, i'm on to a winner here.

    I really don't value my brain cells... or I haven't got enough of them to understand their value.

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