Friday, January 13, 2006
Sitting rather smugly
I am sitting rather smugly at my desk this morning. When I arrived at the shockingly late time of 10.30 am this morning, Mia greeted my customary 'good morning' with actual speech in the form of a sentence, not just the standard 'morning'. Our conversation went like this:
Me: 'Good morning!"
Mia: 'Morning. You sent me a text yesterday.' - note, this was not a question, it was a statement of fact. You may all remember that yes, I did send her a text telling her not to bother coming in to uni until later because the server was down.
Me: 'Yeah, I did.'
Mia: 'That was nice of you.'- in a very small little voice I had to strain to hear.
Me: 'No worries. It didn't matter anyway because you had all your stuff on disk.'
Mia: 'It wasn't a disk, it was the D drive.'

Note the end of our conversation - SHE HAD ALL HER STUFF ON DISK. Remember Mia yesterday implied that I was a complete imbecile who couldn't work a computer as her computer was functioning fine. Well, when I returned from the library yesterday, she admitted to me that the server wasn't working on her computer either, she'd saved all her stuff not to either of the two network spaces allocated to her, but instead to her computer hard-drive, which is the D drive (and D doesn't stand for Disk, like I thought). I've learnt something new, though. We can save things to the D drive of our personal computers, even though they're hooked up to the school network. Could be a bit risky though - if this one computer breaks, or catches a virus, you can't access your work at all.

So, I'm feeling rather like a big fat smug bullfrog this morning, who has just eaten a simply massive dragonfly. Mia and I had conversation, she THANKED me for being nice (and I have been trying in that department), and she was wrong all along.

The girl must have the constitution of an ox, though. I have had a cold now for two weeks. A very snotty, sneezy cold involving lots of tissues. I have had a great hacking cough for six weeks, very chesty where you can simply hear the flem rattling on my chest (now that's a gross vivid word picture). She is still not sick, despite sitting only two metres away from me (with a short bookcase between us).

But still, I am smug.
posted by Cecilia @ 11:22 am  
1 Rantings:
  • At 6:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    mia is a nice name though.

    that, is a long cold...

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