Sunday, March 05, 2006
Ouch, my ovaries!
So I was at EΣTIA today (the Greek festival that we have once a year here) and I was with my madre and my brother and we were watching everyone going mad and dancing, ouzo being splashed EVERYwhere, and I started to suffer ethnic envy. I love my family, they're weird and semi-alcoholic and perpetual drunken singers and they're fun, but your bog-standard Irish/English white Australian just doesn't have the same interesting background as a Greek or an Italian or a Pole or whatever. It would be SO great to come from a background with hundreds of years of tradition and culture and a strong identity, don't you think?
But my biggest pang of the day came when we were leaving and I ran into the new guy, the cute-but-arrogant-but-oh-so-cute guy who I've not really talked to in a fortnight (who, being a fulltime member of the Greek Club - which the street party today was held in front of - had been one of the organisers), and he was holding his toddler nephew's hand and carrying his toddler niece, having just gone on the jumping castle (well, inflatable donkey, really) with them
I swear on my love of all things fizzy and alcoholic, I've NEVER been a maternal sort, never had a desire for kids. I like them well enough, have lots of younger cousins who I love playing with and hanging out with, I've just never wanted kids of my own. But seeing him being so... SWEET with his nephew and niece (and especially carrying his tiny little niece around), I wanted his babies. I've been pretty good (well, ok-ish) about suppressing my crush but goddamn, that brought it back in full force
It was just so LOVELY!
posted by Bug @ 10:29 pm  
11 Rantings:
  • At 9:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    what were the bad things about him?

    maybe you could just stand near other peoples kids..?

    that does sould cute though

  • At 2:00 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    Yeah, I don't ACTUALLY want kids, not really, but seeing this guy who works so hard on being COOL and aloof and comes across as an arrogant prat half the time being the devoted uncle just made my ovaries ping

    The thing is, he's a really nice guy, good fun, dances every time he goes out (and how many guys do that?), dreadfully spunky and was really charming at first, but he's just acting so on himself at the moment. God knows I still fancy him but I don't like the current attitude. Although he did invite me to his "birthday bash" (dorky!) at the this weekend coming and I'd REALLY like to go but only if one of my other friends from work is going cos SCARY!

    God, I sound like a 16-year-old :S

  • At 8:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    make someone go with you!

    i miss boys...

  • At 9:51 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    I really do want to go :( I miss boys too. I miss snogging the most, I think. Hand holding and hugging, I do that with my friends (platonic, of course!) but there's something a bit magic about a great kiss, don't you think?

  • At 11:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i dont know, i cant remember that far back :(

  • At 11:22 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    Oh come on, arsehole though he may have been, nn??

    God, we're doomed aren't we? Arrogant but charming but arsehole men till we die. If only they weren't so attractive!

  • At 12:34 am, Blogger chindi said…

    MY brother is the same way this guy sounds. You would never see my brother out and think he was good with kids. If you saw his myspace photo (him wearing jeans, no shirt and a gun in his mouth) you might freak out. However, he is great with my kids.

    Oh for Bug and Monkey, the best thing to do when it comes to men is just not look for them. The ones you want will eventually come to you.

  • At 12:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    nn wasnt a good kisser.

    im 99% sure le boy would have been though

  • At 7:10 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    Doug, I don't specifically look for guys. Meeting them has never been an issue, it's meeting good ones

  • At 8:27 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    thats because theyre a myth!

  • At 3:32 am, Blogger chindi said…

    monkey - I am no myth!

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