Monday, January 23, 2006
*sweating profusely* (but attractively!)
It was 41 degrees today (106-ish if you're one of those strange farenheit-y types). I am HOT and SWEATING and SUNBURNT and HOW will I sleep in my overheated room tonight??
On the upside, I have holidays and can ENJOY the beautiful weather that the weather bureau's organised for me! I just LOVE being Australian sometimes!
posted by Bug @ 12:01 am  
2 Rantings:
  • At 1:44 pm, Blogger Cecilia said…

    I love being Australian all the time! Oh, except when hearing about people in the UK going on weekend trips to ROME and PARIS and when having to pay thousands and spend basically two days on planes/waiting at airports to get to such cool places from Australia. Oh, and also have to hang my head in shame when watching American TV shows/movies and hear a supposed 'Australian' accent. We just don't sound like that!

  • At 6:16 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ill see your bad tv accents and raise you dick van dyke

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