Saturday, February 04, 2006
Oh dear... the shame
Being a Friday night, I went out last night (with one of the workies, who have just become friends now - very cool) and I MAY have had a bit much to drink. I mean, I was definitely drunk but I wasn't pissed, if that makes sense
I met up with the New Guy and we went up to Syrup (the only club in Hobart I'll go to. The rest of them are UNLOVELY) and we were dancing for ages and there was a bit of kissing (quite a bit) and it was all very fun
About 15 minutes before we decided to call it a night, I bought myself a tequila and Red Bull, which I usually get one of if I'm dancing, LOTS of energy! But instead of my normal José Cuervo it was a dark tequila and it tasted foul but I thought I'd drink it anyway because, you know, $8 drink and may as well! But it was gross
The NG said he was headed home and as he was driving (and lives in the same suburb as me), would I like a lift? Of course I said yes (who wants to pay $15 for the 'pleasure' of making uncomfortable small talk with an elderly taxi driver??) and we were walking to his car (hand in hand, nice!) when the disgusting tequila hit my stomach
Now, I drink a lot. I know it's not good and my poor liver and pancreas will probably shut down any day now but my family are all drinkers (none alcoholic though. That I know of) and it's always just been something I've done. And because I drink a lot and often, my tolerance is pretty high. I rarely get hungover and it takes about 20 standard drinks to get me drunk (honestly). But that tequila? On an empty stomach? (I've had 2-3 meals over 4 days. No I don't know why) Blecch
I said to the NG "I think I'm going to be sick", which he thought was funny but he wanted to know if I needed help (what help could he have given me, I'd like to know!) but I said no and went and threw up behind a tree. Charming huh? I mean, at LEAST there was a tree there so I was kind of blocked from view but FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! How enticing must that have been for him?? When I was done, he asked if I was ok (and called me 'babes'. I love affectionate names) and let me into his car and then even stopped at a servo so I could buy some tissues and lemonade but OH MY LORD
I was just mortified. And even more so this morning! I messaged him and told him how sorry I was and thanked him for putting up with me and he replied with "Not a problem. We've all been there. But no more tequila for you" so at least he's not too revolted to talk to me but ack!
It's just not possible for me to be cool though, is it??
(he's tall and dark and has hard thighs [I only know this from dancing with him!] and is Greek and plays tennis and soccer and uses words like 'lethargic' in text messages and is so cute and just... groovy. Just so you know)
And kissing's fun :)
posted by Bug @ 11:14 pm  
5 Rantings:
  • At 2:58 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i hope you feel better now! i have a worse throwing up story than that, and it sounds like he was fine about it.

    using long words is a good sign!

  • At 1:37 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    Long words are GREAT - how sexy are smart guys??

    Please please please tell me your worse throwing up story!

  • At 9:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i wouldnt know, i dont know any smart guys!

    ill put the story in my blog cos its long

  • At 2:38 am, Blogger chindi said…

    Now if he was holding your hair back, that would have been nice.

  • At 2:50 am, Blogger Mouldy said…

    Not only is long words a good sign but also the mix of sports he does is an excellent sign! I love men who play tennis. Keep that one, my dear!

    Tequilla, in any form is the juice of the devil. Its only intention is to create mayhem in all who drink it! I hadn't touched it at all for 8 years (since I was at school) until last weekend and the mess it turned me into was disgraceful.

    V entertaining story though. (If you will forgive me for finding your story entertaining - I suppose what I mean is it WAS entertaining BUT I am sympathetic too!)

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