Monday, July 03, 2006
The 'let's just be friends' line
Hi All. I delivered the 'let's just be friends' line to Rob yesterday. It turns out that we didn't have quite so much in common once I was sober. Actually, given that he'd just told me all about his scary furious temper, I nervously said 'Rob, you don't mind if we're just friends do you?'. Luckily, Rob did not mind if we are just friends. Or so he said. He actually said 'I kind of thought it was heading that way' to which I replied 'I make a terrible girlfriend' which I'm pretty sure would be true. He then went on to say that I didn't really know him yet (hell yes, I know enough to know that he annoys the shit out of me, is always right and likes to embark on lectures about environmental impacts to me, the qualified environmentalist and the stockmarket, and that he has bad smoker/coffee breath), and then goes and contradicts himself and says 'I could tell once I got to know you better that certain things in your personality would make us not get along' or words to that effect. So, how come he knows me well enough to make that call, and I 'don't know him yet', especially given that he talks ALL the time? Like, ALL the time. Oh well, it's all over now. It is nice to be admired, but oh, I don't like the fall-out at all and the uncertainly of meeting up again once sober.
posted by Cecilia @ 3:17 pm  
3 Rantings:
  • At 10:45 pm, Blogger chindi said…

    Scary tempers would suck. I would guess you saw Rob through what we like to call Beer Goggles.

  • At 1:40 pm, Blogger Cecilia said…

    Doug, you are so right and we call them the same thing here. Except in my case it was 'deadly punch' goggles!

  • At 6:33 pm, Blogger Kelly said…

    You could just stay drunk all the time? Maybe not but it might solve a problem!!!!

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