Friday, May 26, 2006
Jog Jog Jog
Jogging has really taken off as a form of exercise in this fair city. There have always been a lot of joggers in the suburb that the uni is in, probably because it's a nice place to jog along as you can jog from the beach down the main road, which is beside the waters edge. Very pleasant. And there are a lot of health-conscious (more likely figure-conscious) students living in the area. But now jogging has taken off in suburbs all over the city. At all times of the day, as well, not just in the early morning. For example, as I drove along one road on my way to uni today at midday (yes, I know, midday is NOT the time I should be starting my working day. But I have come to realise that I can do a hell of a lot more in four hours at uni when I am not falling asleep whilst reading/thinking up things to write/attempting difficult plant identifications over a microscope and it is therefore better for me to sleep in than attempt a whole day at uni whilst fighting to keep my eyes open) there were three women out jogging. Yes, three! In just one street! And not one had a dog. Jogging with a dog is much more justifiable.

I have tried jogging with our dog. This is somewhat of a problem as our dog does not like leaving our nice safe house. My dad can get her to walk with him, but she now won't walk with me at all in one direction. I think this is because for three nights in a row I walked her down our street then up a very steep hill. On the fourth night she just sat down and refused point blank to turn down our street. She's more than happy to turn up our street, which is flat and runs out of street and turns into scary bushland near where a woman walking her dog was murdered. Obviously she doesn't know about the woman being murdered, or else she'd prefer to walk up the hill. I ended up carrying the dog all the way to the top of the hill, then she was happy to walk all the way home again.

So, back to my jogging with the dog attempt. At Easter, during which I was consuming vast amounts of nutella and the gym was closed, I decided to go jogging. With the dog. So, I don my trackpants with pink stripe, borrow my brother's ipod, and harness up the dog. Said dog is more than happy to go for a walk. Acts very excited, in fact. This all changed once we got to the end of the driveway. I start to jog down the end of our section of the street, and go to cross the road. She sits down. I pick her up and carry her for a few metres, then put her down. She turns firmly in the direction of our house. I try carrying her down a different street, instead of continuing down our street. No luck. She is on to my crafty tricks and turns back for home. I finally get her to walk up a street behind our house. I start to jog. She stops firmly and runs between my legs, nearly causing me to perform a fatal somersault. There is a girl on the phone in the front window of the house we are passing, and she's scared. I have to carry her past that house. This pattern continues as my dog is scared of pretty much everything. Loud cars, loud tvs in houses, little boys playing cricket, other dogs behind their fences and, my all-time favourite, a tasteless garden statue of a brown deer. And when she isn't stopping and running between my legs, she's trying to turn for home.

So, I didn't actually get much jogging done. And I have not attempted to go jogging since. I'd feel a bit stupid if I was out jogging purely for my own fitness/bum shape, whereas if I'm out with a dog I can be out jogging purely for my own dog's wellbeing.

Oh, our dog is from the dog's home where she was seized as a puppy from a house where she was being mistreated. She has a cigarette burn on her tummy and a scar across her nose from her puppy days. So it's not her fault she's a gigantic scardy-cat. Actually, our cat is an intrepid adventurer, who I wish would be a bit more scared of cars and the road and the big dog next door.

Maybe I can get Bug to come jogging. That could be fun. Bug, how would you like to jog up those stairs behind uni?
posted by Cecilia @ 3:18 pm  
4 Rantings:
  • At 4:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    youre alive!

    what sort of dog is it?

  • At 12:36 pm, Blogger Bug said…

    The Mt Nelson stairs??? I would rather eat my own elbow thank you!! Besides, I have a treadmill in my bedroom, remember? I can jog in front of CSI and Law & Order. MUCH better than going outside in winter!

    Hey there, Monkey Girl!

  • At 1:16 pm, Blogger Cecilia said…

    I am alive, but I don't know about Bug! That comment from her might be from beyond the grave! Talk about lack of entries!

    Our dog is a fox-terrier crossed with no idea. She is small with ridiculously long spindly legs that seem too thin to support her body.

  • At 5:55 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    cute! i sort of forgot to check back for my answer!

    but hello girlies, how are you both?

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