Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Temporary postponement of the fulfillment of Doug's tag
Boo came online today while I was at work and said that she had run into Stefanos, who is both her local corner store guy and going out with a girl we were friends with at school
Stefanos has been offering for ages to set Boo up with a "nice Greek boy" and she jokingly agreed to it today and then asked if he knew Deo, my sometimes occasional undefined boy. Being Hobart and them being the same age and Greek, of course he did, in fact they used to kick around together until a few years ago
Oh, and he'd been invited to Deo's birthday but had been at work so hadn't been there. Then he wanted to know how Boo knew him and when she mentioned that Deo and I were a sometimes occasional undefined thing he wanted to know whether I'd been at the party. When she said that yes, I had been, he sort of nodded and said "ah, I know who she is then" or some such
Yeah, turns out that the fuckwit perverts who'd watched Deo and I fooling around at his birthday - when it was NONE of their GODDAMN FUCKING BUSINESS, the pathetic losers - had also fucking FILMED IT and it's on one of the cretins' camera phone, able to be forwarded anywhere and watched by anyone
Imagine you're me. How are you feeling at this point in time?
posted by Bug @ 10:41 pm  
4 Rantings:
  • At 5:38 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    no WAY. thats insane.

    i will try out my jinxing powers on them x

  • At 7:44 am, Blogger chindi said…

    We should kick his ass.

  • At 8:21 am, Blogger Bug said…

    That'd be lovely, especially if you managed to break his phone in the process!

  • At 11:16 am, Blogger Cecilia said…


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