Thursday, March 16, 2006
Focused on higher things
Signs have appeared in the School of Maths and Physics building. These signs inform you of highly important things. The one I just read said "You are on Level 2. Level 3 is one level up." Such illuminating signs are on the stair-landings of all the levels, and by the lift as well. Now, if you are intelligent enough to have to attend lectures/classes in the Maths & Physics building, you would think you are intelligent enough to work out that if you are on level 2 you have to go up a flight of stairs to get to the third floor! Maybe the students are all so highly intelligent they don't bother wasting any of their thinking power on the little things in life, like working out how many flights of stairs you must go up to get to your desired level.
posted by Cecilia @ 3:06 pm  
2 Rantings:
  • At 5:29 am, Blogger chindi said…

    At the community college right next to where I work, they have all the buildings more or less seperated by type as well (english, math, technical and so on). I was in the English building one time and noticed that some of the little maps showing the emergency exits had exit spelled wrong (exti). THought it was funny that the english building would have such a blatant misspelling.

  • At 8:37 am, Blogger Bug said…

    See? This debunks my madre's theory that going to uni would've made me smarter, since it seems they're all filled with imbeciles!

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