Tuesday, March 21, 2006
This made me giggle
This is an email I received regarding the printer in our resource centre. It made me giggle quite a bit.

Printer is apparently hibernating/on strike/on holiday/dead as a
doornail (choose any) - I don't know when it will be fixed. Cheers, Anne.
posted by Cecilia @ 11:39 am  
3 Rantings:
  • At 8:36 am, Blogger Bug said…

    We have a photocopier that thinks. You press the GO button and it sits there for about 5 minutes contemplating the meaning of life before it'll deign to actually copy anything. Maybe my contemplative photocopier and your striking printer can have a little pow-wow and come up with a solution for world debt

  • At 11:05 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    my friends dvd player says 'hello' on its little lcd screen when its switched on, i didnt see it i was probably busy being distracted by something else, but im sure its cute

  • At 3:11 pm, Blogger chindi said…

    cec - I'll still be around leaving comments. My problem is that I what I have to deal with I can't on the web only because there are people I know who read my blog and I wanted to work things out before I blogged. I'll still be leaving comments though. I would love to visit Australia but I'm actually going to Germany and Amsterdam on the 22nd of April. That should get me away and allow me to clear my head.

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