Sunday, September 18, 2005
There's cool and there's not cool
Not cool
Having a friend who's in a perpetual bad mood just now take it out on you for absolutely no reason and with absolutely no apology
New friends. Particularly ones who seem to usually hang out with me when I'm drunk, so tolerant ones!
Not cool
Having random and perplexing vague symptoms of SOMETHING and a constantly aching tooth
The fact that I just do not get pimples. I love it
Not cool
Grilled oysters in chilli and lime marinade. I TRIED to like them, I really did!
That the time is coming when I'll be eating summer salads every single day - YUM!
Neither cool nor not cool but just a thought
Coloured contact lenses are FUCKING HARD to put in! For GOD's sake - STICK TO MY EYEBALL, STUPID THING!!!
posted by Bug @ 6:16 pm  
5 Rantings:
  • At 9:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hiya, just realised zoot did your new design (yay) and it looks great, but do you know your sidebar is right at the bottom of the page? it happened to me too- i think it happens because of something like- if you post things in a way that the lines are too long, or big pictures. i cant remember how i fixed mine though..i think i had to go back through all my posts since it went funny and find the one that was too long for the page
    if its meant to be like that, or you like it like that, im sorry! i just thought id say incase you didnt know, because i didnt notice mine had done it for a while...

  • At 8:34 am, Blogger Bug said…

    No mate, I don't like it being down the bottom but I've not known how to fix it :S I'll go through and have a stickybeak, I think

    Thank you, hon!

  • At 12:56 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ok, i kind of know how to do it but its hard to explain. wait till you have time/are bored enough to go through your old posts to find when it happened, you should be able to see that somethings different in the layout and just needs to be changed- probably as simple as hitting return so the lines of text dont run on as long (thats how mine went funny)

  • At 8:38 am, Blogger Bug said…

    Through 70-odd posts?? Gah!

    Ok, I shall try :)

  • At 7:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    no no..just back until you chaned the template, and it should be around there somewhere

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