Monday, September 12, 2005
It's like a different language
I realised recently that my friends and I have a WHOLE set of words that NO-ONE else uses (or understands). For example:
GOBBLE - gossip. Cec and I have used this since Grade 5, but it’s still only the two of use who remember what it means, so when we say "let’s go and sit on that couch over there and have a gobble", people look at us a little strangely!
A GOOD FUN - when my sister was 15 (and you know, still talking to me), Boo and I took her out on the town (I KNOW she was underage but it was FUN) and she had a leeeetle bit to drink. So when I rolled her into bed at the end of the night and tucked her in, she grinned up at me blearily and said "I had a good fun, Beckles" and it STUCK. "A good fun" is the BEST time possible. A good time is good, but a good fun is EXCELLENT
KNOBBIT - a dickhead. I have NO idea where that comes from
VERBS - it’s both a question and a statement, as in "verbs?" means "would you like some chips?" and "verbs!" means, "I want to SEE that movie, that looks AWESOME!". My brother remembers the story behind it, but I’m not sure. I think it came about on a drunken night
DOUCHE BAG - I mean, I’m assuming you know what a douche bag is, but we use it as another word for a dickhead. It’s another word that makes people look a little, shall we say, bemused?
A MERRY PLATEAU – when you’re pleasantly pissed, cheerfully unable to drive, but not rip-roaring drunk. Probably the nicest way to be, I think
SKURFIE - a surfie skank; the skinny blonde girls who fuss around the surfie boys (I do live in Australia, remember - LOTS of surfies)
MING-WAH - a nasty piece of skank. I think this is our take on "minger" and it’s NOT a racist word, although I know it kind of looks like it
ACKNOWLEDGED/VERIFIED/DENIED - actually, this is not strictly something that my friends use, it was a thing my friend DJ MC (long story) and his friends said, as in "hey boys! Check HER out!". The friends would then say "acknowledged" to show they were looking, then either "verified" or "denied" depending on what they thought. Boo and I adopted this though - it always makes us giggle
LAY-BY - a cute boy who is MUCH too young for us to be perving on but who we’d TOTALLY be interested in if he was older. It’s usually reserved for actors and singers (since perving on a REAL underage boy is a little creepy) – for example, Draco Malfoy? Total lay-by
Do you have strange words you say? Let me know cos I’ll adopt them. I’m unimaginative like that :)
posted by Bug @ 9:33 am  
5 Rantings:
  • At 12:13 pm, Blogger chindi said…

    Lance! Which has a lot of meanings such as that sucks or I've been screwed (and not in the good fashion). It derived from this guy in high school we used to buy weed from. He always skimped us on our bags and eventually we started saying the bag was lanced and thus a word was born that we use to this day.

  • At 9:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    so, so many....that i cant think of now, but my and my best friend have lots of these, and at times i forget that other people dont know what any of it means,,

  • At 6:48 pm, Blogger Léonie said…

    I can't think of any! Except that I like telling people to knob-off.
    If you say it with real venom and derision it sounds really stupid.
    Seeing as you're Australian, do you ever tell people to 'rack-off'? Like in Neighbours?

  • At 8:05 pm, Blogger Anon said…

    A couple of words we use...

    And then = "What’s happening?"

    No and then = "Nothings happening!" (Usually a direct response to the above... which is under the title of my blog)

    Bluffing = used to describe illegal activities, using illegal substances and anything that'll get you locked up.

    Malaga = which is a different language, its wanker in Greek.

    Duck = an adjustment to the word Dick... usually used as an insult to friends.

    I've got plenty of words we use to insult people but I just don't have the time. Back to work, my travels are over...

  • At 8:42 am, Blogger Bug said…

    Ooh! I know a girl who uses malaga as well, except she says "malaka". It's a good word that one!

    And Lé, no WAY do I say "rack off". You know why? Because NO Australians say that EXCEPT on Neighbours. Because Neighbours is shit. Home and Away is much better (although full of new characters that I've never seen before. But still Robbie. I love my Robbie)

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