Thursday, March 29, 2007
Oooh, diamontes!
So, I was just looking up beauty therapists in Edinburgh as by the time I make it there I'll have been travelling for a month and in urgent need of some tinting/perming/shaping/waxing before I head off on my European tours. This is what I found:

TIFFANY BIKINI WAX This is a whole hollywood wax with diamontes artistically placed for that special date! Prices on quotation from £40

Anyone who isn't familiar with a hollywood wax, just think: Brittany Spears and the whole no-underwear-with-microdress-whilst-drunk-and-getting-out-of-taxi incident. Well, actually I don't know whether she was sporting the hollywood wax, but if you're going to go out without any knickers on in a microdress and get wasted I would assume you would have any hair removed first.

Now, who would like to debate over how these diamontes could be artistically placed? Standard butterflies or flowers? Perhaps a shooting star? A giant arrow? How about his favourite football team? Would you like to have 'Leeds' emblazoned across your, hm, you know, girls?

I bet those beauty therapists who do this artistic placement have some good stories to tell!
posted by Cecilia @ 1:38 pm  
2 Rantings:
  • At 5:23 am, Blogger chindi said…

    I vote for the giant arrow. I wonder if they can make them light up....

  • At 7:43 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hi cec, sorry i said id email you and i so havent, but in answer to your question (short version) no, unfortunatly i probably wont be able to meet up- because a)i live miles from anywhere anyone wants to go! b)i cant really plan anything in any sort of advance because i only know my day(s) off at short notice...but have a great trip, if you havent left yet!

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