Tuesday, October 03, 2006
A quick life update
I should probably change that title right now! Since when have I ever managed to do a 'quick' or a 'short' post?

Since my last post my big life issues have been:

- my car being broken into, smashed window, stolen CD player (with new Lily Allen CD in it!), stolen speakers and STOLEN PARCEL SHELF (the speakers were mounted on this) and broken rear windowwiper cover (they attempted to steal the rear window windscreen wiper motor, why, I have no idea) - while I was asleep in my comfy bed about 1 and a half metres from my car (obviously, bed is inside house, the car is parked right up under our house, the living room upstairs is over it, and my bedroom is beside my car)

- dressing up and going to the law student society ball at Hobart's other fancy hotel (I work at the other one) and then a girl I was with being punched in the mouth in the line for a new nightclub.

- being constantly sick with a cold (which I think I've passed onto Mia, as she hasn't been in the office for two days, and there's a big used hanky on her desk) and then the sickest I've ever been in my life with stomach flu (lost 6 kilos and am down to 51 kilos though but I suspect I'll have them all back on by the end of the week) and then there's the not-to-be-talked-about but I will anyway ever present thrush which I am unable to totally get rid of. It just settles down to a faint itch and then WHAM is back to itchy as all hell. And no, it's not in my mouth if you catch my drift. I have been researching thrush and apparantly some women can never get rid of it and some have even committed suicide due to it! That would be so typical, I never get it once in 23 years and then am unable to get rid of it forever.

I have to go I am going down to a half-hour spin cycle class in the uni gym. I am quite nervous because this is my first gym class since I've been really sick and have lost all my strength, plus I find spin cycle awful anyway. But I am inspired by the commencement last night of the American Biggest Loser - if they can spin cycle I damn well can!
posted by Cecilia @ 12:06 pm  
1 Rantings:
  • At 2:18 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ignore this if its unwanted, but let me know if you want some advice for stuff to take to help with the thing you cant get rid of (i know from work, im not just being weird...)

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