Tuesday, April 12, 2005
I know it's not healthy . . .
. . . but you know how the Australian man's preferred dinner (if there isn't a barbecue handy) is hot pizza and cold beer? I just had what I'm declaring the Australian woman's breakfast: cold pizza and slightly warm bubbly. Delight! But before you get grossed out because the wine was warm, it's not like it was boiling! It was just not fridgey-cold. Oh, but it was grand. I've been drinking shedloads of Killawarra for the last 18 months and this was the Killawarra Dusk - it smells exactly like someone's stomped on a great stack of strawberries, yummo!
To further pretend that I have a never-ending source of income and that I have no cares in the world, I'm off to lounge around in hot baths for a couple of hours, then I'm going shopping - *sigh* I don't WANT to go back to work! Jealous?
posted by Bug @ 11:26 am  
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